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How to solve 3x3x3 Cube: STEP 6

We have almost finished solving the Rubik’s Cube, only the yellow corners are left. In this step we just have to put them in the right spot, it doesn’t matter if the orientation is wrong. We’re going to take care about the orientation in the last step.

Use the moves below which cycles around three corners in the upper layer counterclockwise swapping the pieces marked on the image:

Look for a yellow corner which is on the right position, then hold the cube in your hands with this one in the front-right-top and execute the algorithm below. If the pieces didn’t get where they belong do the algorithm one more time.

Press the Play button to see the algorithm in action:
See the piece marked with X staying in place while the other three unsolved pieces change their position.

Sometimes you can’t find a piece in the correct spot. In this case utilize the same algorithm for any random corner to bring one to the correct position.

Due to the parity the amount of the correctly positioned yellow cubelets is limited to three cases: there’s no yellow corner piece in the correct position, or there’s only one, or all the four pieces are correct.

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