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The digital Qualifiers will focus on a digital version of Speedcubing with connected cubes – show us how fast you can solve the cube and earn a spot at the World Finals.Participants can submit 3-5 daily solves to rank up in the Leaderboard via the supported digital Cube Apps (GoCube & Rubik’s connected).The Top 16
Welcome to the 1. Red Bull Rubik’s Cube Digital Qualifier! Read More »
The Rubik’s cube, although seemingly simple, is a complex mathematical puzzle. It is often used to teach fractions, proportions, and permutation & combination to students. Twisting and turning the cube yields unlimited combinations. In fact, established studies show that there are 43 quintillion possible combinations of the cube. If that number seems incomprehensible, it sort of is.
How many combinations does the Rubik’s cube have? Read More »
On this page you can find a detailed description on how to solve the last layer corners of the Rubik’s Cube. In the final phase of the solution with the beginner’s method we will orient the yellow corner pieces.The cube is solvedOrient the corner pieces When you reach this final step all the pieces are on the
How to solve 3x3x3 Cube: STEP 7 Read More »
We have almost finished solving the Rubik’s Cube, only the yellow corners are left. In this step we just have to put them in the right spot, it doesn’t matter if the orientation is wrong. We’re going to take care about the orientation in the last step. Use the moves below which cycles around three corners in the upper
How to solve 3x3x3 Cube: STEP 6 Read More »
In the previous step we created a yellow cross on the top of the Rubik’s Cube but probably the yellow edges are not all fitting to the colors of the side center pieces. In this stage of the Rubik’s Cube solution we have have to fix this by repositioning these cubelets. The algorithm switches the front-top and the left-top edges as marked on the image: When
How to solve 3x3x3 Cube: STEP 5 Read More »
So far we have solved two bottom layers and only the yellow face is left. In this fourth stage of our Rubik’s tutorial we want to form a yellow cross on the top of the cube. At this point it doesn’t matter if the edge pieces don’t match the color of the side center pieces. We will switch them in the fifth step.
How to solve 3x3x3 Cube: STEP 4 Read More »
Until this point we could work intuitively without any algorithm to memorize, but in this stage when we’re solving the second layer (first two layers – F2L) of the Rubik’s Cube people usually get stuck because there are too many moves to foresee in order to complete this step. You’ll have to learn two algorithms which bring the edge piece from the
How to solve 3x3x3 Cube: STEP 3 Read More »
Finishing the first layer of the Rubik’s Cube is still relatively easy and it can be used to familiarize with the puzzle without reading the cheat sheet. The second step of the beginner’s Rubik’s Cube tutorial doesn’t require long algorithms. You just have to apply a couple of short permutations which are easy to understand and to memorize. Examples Here
How to solve 3x3x3 Cube: STEP 2 Read More »
The easiest step is solving the first layer edges of the Rubik’s Cube. Choose one color you want to start with. In this beginner’s tutorial we’re going to start with the white face. I suggest you try to solve the first face without reading these instructions, so you can feel the sense of accomplishment when you complete it all
How to solve 3x3x3 Cube: STEP 1 Read More »
There are many approaches on how to solve the Rubik’s Cube. All these methods have different levels of difficulties, for speedcubers or beginners, even for solving the cube blindfolded. People usually get stuck solving the cube after completing the first face, after that they need some help. In the following article We`re going to show you the easiest way to solve
How to solve 3x3x3 Cube: ALL STEPS Read More »
American Max Park continued his meteoric rise by taking out favourite Feliks Zemdegs on his way to two titles at the second edition of the Red Bull Rubik’s Cube World Cup Final on November 17. Competing for their share of US$30,000 as well as the World Cup trophies, 25 competitors from 11 nations made up the
5.2 seconds of magic as Park seals double Rubik’s Cube title win in Moscow Read More »
A video that will make you doubt your own eyes has gone viral online. The video, shared on Twitter, shows a man solving three Rubik’s cubes – while simultaneously juggling them. The impressive feat was shared online by a Twitter user who goes by the name Theo. It has gone massively viral with over 7.4
A teenager said he is delighted to have broken three national Rubik’s Cube records while blindfolded. Ezra Hirschi, from Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, completed the quick-fingered challenges at a two-day event in Germany. While he lives in England, he represented Switzerland as his father is from the country. The records the 17-year-old broke saw him wear a
Rubik’s Cube record delight for teenager Read More »
A teenage engineering student has won a gold at the Rubik’s Cube World Cup. Chris Mills, aged 18 and from East Hoathly, East Sussex, beat opponents from around the world in the re-scramble category. This sees competitors presented with a solved cube, which they then have to match to a randomly-generated pattern. source: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-england-sussex-54880653
Rubik’s Cube World Cup gold medal won by Sussex teen Read More »
An artist has made a portrait of Danish footballer Christian Eriksen using Rubik’s cubes. It took David Wright, from Huddersfield, more than five hours to arrange the colourful 3D puzzlers into the likeness of the Danish midfielder. Mr Wright was inspired to create the tribute after Eriksen – who suffered a cardiac arrest on the
Euro 2020: Christian Eriksen portrait made with Rubik’s cubes Read More »
Rubik’s Cube has lost the right to a trade mark in the EU. The General Court of the European Union cancelled the EU trade mark consisting of the shape of the brightly-coloured puzzle. It had been registered as a trade mark in 1999. In its ruling it said: “Given that the essential characteristics of that